The grandmother begins her narrative in the story by explaining to her son Bailey that it would be wise to go to Tennessee instead of Florida because, there is a guy who calls himself a Misfit that is loose from the Federal …show more content…
An example of the grandmother being opinionated is when she states, “In my time children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else.” This example shows how she feels about her son and his wife raising her grandkids. Bailey the grandmother’s son, is unpleasant he doesn’t say much, he’s mostly speaking disappointments and commands. An example of Bailey’s disappointments and commands are when the children wanted to see the house and Bailey said “All right! He shouted, “Will you all shut up for one second? If you don’t shut up, we won’t go anywhere.” The mother’s role in the story isn’t effective or interesting, she’s not voicing her feelings, and she is just thrown into the story without reason. The children are portrayed as rude and annoying throughout the story, an example of this is when, the children began to yell and scream because they wanted to see the house with the secret panel, John Wesley kicked the back and front seat and June Star hung over her mother’s shoulder and whined. The entire family is shallow with imperfections, the characters show the theme by their