Kiah Bennett
CRS 325
Date Sunday, October 16
Topic: Why the United States of America should adopt an educational system similar to Finland’s.
Thesis: The United States should switch to a Finnish educational system due to it causing less stress to students while giving a better education, and life in general.
I- How many of you were tired and stressed all throughout high school?
II- How many of you hated standardized tests and homework?
III- And finally how many of you feel like high school took away too much of your free time?
IV- I feel the same way that you and all the other kids and high school students integrated in an educational system close to the one of the USA’s do.
V- My family and I were …show more content…
Less Time in school equals more rest therefore better learning and teaching. (11 Ways Finland’s Education System shows us that “Less is more”.)
b. Finland is the country with the least standardized tests.
So with less tests, students get less pressure and end up learning because they want too and not because of their final grade.
(11 Ways Finland’s Education System shows us that “Less is more”.)
c. According to the OECD, Finland is the country with the least amount of homework. This gives students more free time, less stress, more attention in class. Even though they do not practice much after class they don’t get outside instruction and still end up at the top of the ranks. (11 Ways Finland’s Education System shows us that “Less is more”.)
d. Rank Comparison between the US and Finland. (20 Best Education Systems In The World 2016, MBC Times) e. Cons of the Finnish Education System. (What are the pros and cons of Finland's education system? Quora because I couldn’t find much so I looked up a teacher question section)
XI- The US educational system should change it’s educational system to one similar to Finland’s due to it being less stressful, easier on the students and the teachers while giving an education worth being ranked fifth in the