Female Serial Killers

Decent Essays
After viewing the video about female serial killers many of the female serial killers have striking similarities. Most of the female serial killers, at least presented in the video, were caregivers of those they killed. Many were mothers who killed their children and two were nurses who killed their own patients. Many of these mothers were motivated by the attention they received in the wake of their children’s deaths. The female serial killers also more commonly kill their victims using suffocation. Violent serial killers are more like male serial killers than they are more common female serial killers. Some of the female serial killers were given sympathy before they are suspected of murdering their children, for example Marybeth Tinning and Susan Smith. Many of these female serial killers had a troubled childhood and that childhood lead to some of their desires to kill. The saying “female serial killers gather and male serial killers hunt” might mean that female serial killers tend to kill those that they know and male serial killers tend to murder strangers. …show more content…
Most female serial killers kill those they have an intimate relationship with. Many female serial killers murder their children or their spouses. Since many female serial killers attack those who they have a relationship with they do not have to go out and find victims, they already have their victims around them. Female serial killers gather victims by forming relationships. Male serial killers on the other hand tend to kill strangers. Since male serial killers’ victims are not people they know they must search for victims. Male serial killers must hunt for their victims because of the lack of the relationship. Male serial killers also tend to be more violent than their female counterparts, which might be the reason it makes sense to describe males as hunters, but it does not make sense to describe females as hunters. The differences between male and female serial killers victims might be most easily explained by describing women as gathers and males as hunter. This video describes evidence that male and females brains are developed differently from each other; through evolution males have a smaller orbital frontal region of the brain. The evolutionary evidence of what drove these women to kill is explicitly discussed in this video, however there is evidence that violent female serial killers are more like men than women. If violent female serial are more like men it is possible that there is an evolutionary reason for those females’ behaviors. Through human evolution the orbital frontal region of male brains have grown less than the orbital frontal region of female brains. It is possible that the orbital frontal region of violent female serial killers’ brains, similar to male brains, have a smaller orbital frontal region. Most male serial killers are impulsive and more violent than their female counter parts, and their killings often are characterized with a desire for control and domination. Evidence shows that female serial killers are more likely to kill for a purpose where as men are more likely to kill out of passion or anger. The differences in emotions involved in serial killings based on the gender of the serial killers lead to the differences in characterizations. Also

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