(Quote (Hook) “It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something!” FDR. (Background) “Franklin Delano Roosevelt, commonly know as FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.” He was born in Hyde park,Ny January 30, 1882. He died April 12, 1945 in Warm springs,GA. (Relationship: Acknowledge opposite side the counter with rebuttal (Establish tone): Critics stated that FDR and his administration is methods were not effective. However, (Thesis statement) the response of FDR and his administration to the problems of the Great Depression were …show more content…
(Transitional) (Counter:) FDR and the government established the New Deal Programs to assist the people. (Supporting evidence) Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (Example) FDR and the administration created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. A program that “Granted emergency loans to banks, life insurance companies, and railroads” (chart 1, lines 1-2). (Explanation) This program provided money to banks in emergencies, life insurance to companies and railroads from the employees from when or if they died. (Transitional) One additional New Deal Programs FDR created was…(Supporting evidence) Federal Housing Administration (FHA). (Example) This program helped people get “Insured home loans” (chart 1, line 11). (Explanation) This one agenda was voted on and approved in 1934. Thus, this plan were to give people somewhere to live. (Transitional sentence:) A final example to support FDR and his government New Deal programs was (Supporting evidence) Works Progress Administration (WPA) (Example) “Employed 8 million on public works projects” (chart 1, line 12). (Explanation) The New Deal Legislation made sure people were employed, had a home, life insurance and emergency loans. (Concluding sentence:) Therefore, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deals made sure …show more content…
(Transitional) However, (Counter) All three of these state how they improved on proposing better use of land. (Supporting evidence) Agricultural Adjustment Act (Example) “Agricultural Adjustment Act, Direct payments to farmers to reduce production” (chart 1, line 5). (Explanation) This says that the farmers are going to get Direct payments to reduce production. (Transitional sentence) Two more additional examples was… (Supporting evidence) Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first Inaugural Address. (Example) “The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities” (text 1, lines 18-19). (Transitional sentence) A final example of proposed better use of land was… (Supporting evidence) Editorial, Chicago Tribune (Example) “Acceptance of farm, home and building mortgages, the renting of uncultivated farm lands, the taxing of food” (text 4, line 25). (Explanation) They are acceptanting farms, homes, and building mortgages. They are taxing foods. (Concluding sentence) Therefore, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s three different points that proposed better use of land and more money and