Kate Chopin is one of these women who tackles Feminism in most of her work. She …show more content…
Mallard was one of those women who was suffering from male dominance and suppression in the 19th century patriarchal society, Lawrence Berkove tends to disagree with the common opinion in his article “Fatal Self-Assertion in Kate Chopin’s ‘The story of an Hour’.” Berkove argues that “there is evidence of a deeper level of irony in the story which does not regard Louise Mallard as a heroine but as an immature egoist and a victim of her own extreme self-assertion” (152). While Berkove’s argument isn’t totally flawed and is definitely backed up by textual references, he really manipulated and perverted most of them to point out that Mrs. Mallard’s heart condition is an emotional one as much as it is physical. “In truth, Louise is sick, emotionally as well as physically” (156). Then he expands his argument with “Louise is not thinking clearly” “What Chopin is doing, very subtly, is depicting Louise in the early stages of the delusion that is perturbing her precariously unstable health by aggravating her pathological heart condition” …show more content…
“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string” (Emerson 1623). “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind” (Emerson 1624). “What I must do, [sic] is all that concern me, not what the people think” (Emerson 1624). “I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you” (Emerson 1632). “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself” (Emerson 1638). Ironically what Louise was trying to achieve is exactly what Emerson states, but she can never succeed due to suppression of women. Certainly, the dream for freedom self-reliance and independence is the divine right of men, rather than