Fat As A Feminist Issue Analysis

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In American today, the majority of women desires to have this “perfect” body. The number of females looks up to celebrities that are usually flawless, picture-perfect, and thin. Magazines and Social Media display these “perfect” models and celebrities, giving the maximum of women this insecurity about themselves. Women are not the only victims who are having this insecurity – the opposite sex feels the same way also. Obesity makes the individuals feel the lack of self-confidence, anxiety, and depression. Currently, in the United States, more Americans are becoming overweight and unhealthy; therefore, the obesity rates are increasing. While both Susie Orbach’s “Fat as a Feminist Issue” and Lisa Miller’s “What Food Says About Class in America” …show more content…
According to Orbach, “Women suffering from the problem of compulsive eating endure double anguish: Feeling out of step with the rest of society, and believing that it is all their own fault.” (Orbach 1). In other words, most women are feeling insecure about themselves, and the feminist outlook to the difficult situations is the women’s obsessive intake. The struggle to fit in with society is difficult, for trying not to have so much judgment by others. In fact, since women are being judged by being overweight – the feminist outlook has to do with women being uncontrollable with eating various of food (Orbach 1). Orbach believes that women have this urge to overeat, and have this severe and excruciating feeling of being judged by being overweight. The dissimilarity to Orbach’s belief, Miller suggests that obesity may be the cause of purchasing junk food and fast food, instead of healthy nutritious food. Miller states in this conflict that lower-income families rather bargain unhealthy food; such as candy or soda because they are low-priced (Miller 5). Even though Miller considers that lower-income families have the most obese rates, she noticed it could be he or she are not financially stable to afford nutritious …show more content…
adults and 17 percent of children are obese, and the problem is acute among the poor.” (Miller 5). The majority of lower-income individual beings occur to be poor and would not be able to purchase nourishing food; therefore, the obesity and diabetes nearly increasing. The number of families that are suitable to be famished has only a small amount of food. Miller also explains how the middle class and upper-class families are purchasing additional numerous of food for their healthy diet in the “earliest days of Depression”, while the lower class families are struggling to buy minor food to support their families (Miller 3). The majority of the time, there is always a limit on what to eat and what not to eat. The wealthy and poverty-stricken individuals have always been in

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