Professor Daly
SPA 3472
Paper 2
Fast ForWord
Tallal is a cognitive neuroscientist, board-certified clinical psychologist, and a founder of Fast ForWord Language intervention program. In 1997, Fa st ForWord Language was first introduced. This intervention program was built on three theories. First theory, that the processing constraints associated with language impairment could be improved by honing the attention, sequencing, discrimination, and memory of the auditory signal. Second theory, children with language impairment do not have the ability to perceive rapidly successive information from a speech signal and to store speech sounds. Third theory, intensive training can hone children’s attention, discrimination, …show more content…
Each child was assigned to one specific intervention condition. Each intervention was 6 weeks with a total of 30 sessions. The children attended a morning program 5 days a week for 3.5 hours. The children spent 1 hour and 40 minutes per day for treatment. The rest of the time, the children spent it in a classroom setting. They would play and eat in the classroom. Loeb and her colleagues found that one phonemic awareness skill, blending sounds in words, but not reading skills, improved for the children in the Fast ForWord Language intervention. Furthermore, parents are likely to have a very positive experience with ForWord Language and their children are likely to show some improvements on standardized measures of language performance and knowledge. They are likely to see positive changes in their child’s ability to attend to test material and other materials that could be important to the child’s school performance. It is expected to see changes in the child’s language performance following ForWord Language treatment even though the intervention is prompted by their parent. The Scientific Learning Corporation yields 1 to 3 years language gain over a 6 week period and recommends the intervention to last until the children acheieved 90% completion on 5 of 7 …show more content…
The KidSpeak Speech Language Therapy office in Windermere provides Fast ForWord Language. Amy Clayman is the primary speech- language pathologist who works with the children. The price for this intervention program ranges from $280-$999.
Loeb and her collogues’s study is the evidence to support this intervention
Loeb D, Gillam R, Hoffman L, Brandel J, Marquis J. The Effects of Fast ForWord Language on the Phonemic Awareness and Reading Skills of School-Age Children With Language Impairments and Poor Reading Skills. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology [serial online]. November 2009;18(4):376-387. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed October 26, 2015.
Loeb, D. F., Stoke, C., & Fey, M. E. (2001). Language Changes Associated With Fast ForWord-
Language: Evidence From Case Studies. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 10(3), 216.
Thibodeau, L. M., Friel-Patti, S., & Britt, L. (2001). Psychoacoustic Performance in Children
Completing Fast ForWord Training. American Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 10(3),