The fantasy genre has general guidelines when it comes to creating a story for it to be qualified as fantasy. In the fantasy genre, the stories created often have their own world, sometimes parallel to our own. Often seen in the fantasy genre, as well, is the incorporation of medieval components to …show more content…
There are many types throughout the book. First, there are the magical creatures considered as pets in the wizarding world. One of the main pets seen throughout the novel is owls. Owls are not common pets that people from the muggle world might have. These owls have a connection with the wizarding world. When Voldemort disappears, hundreds of owls are seeing flying in daylight. Although an owl is a real animal, it is how the owls are displayed in the novel that adds to the fantasy theme. Other types of creatures only found in the magical world are unicorns, sacred beings found in the Forbidden Forest, and dragons. Dragons are seen in Rowling’s novel when Hagrid hatches one in his hut and they are also rumoured to guard high-security vaults in Gringotts bank. Dragons, as well as Unicorns, being from medieval literature, increase the characteristics found in Harry Potter that classify it as a fantasy novel. The final type of magical creatures in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone are those with levels of intelligence similar to or greater than that of humans. The first appearance of these types of creatures is at Gringotts Bank, run by Goblins. Goblins may even be considered more intelligent than wizards, because as Hagrid tells Harry, it is never wise to mess with Goblins. He explains that Gringotts is the safest place in the world and that anyone would be mad to try to rob it. Another creature, which is of Greek mythological origin, is centaurs. The centaurs in this story have the ability to read the stars and often foresee the future. This is an ability that few wizards, if any, are capable of doing. The presence of the many magical creatures categorises Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as a fantasy