Family Therapy Case Study

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To begin with, for moving forward with the case I need the clients to answer the questions: “How close Andy with her father?”, “In which age did she find out that she was adopted?”, “How good her relations with her grandparents?”, “How active the girl at school and does she have friends there?”, “Has she ever had conflicts at school with the classmates or even with the teachers?”, “ How successful at school is she?”, “What the girl does in her free time?”, “What is her first memory?”
In this case I would probably use the special long-term program. The father also should visit the family therapist. According to Gladding (2010), it is important for all the members of the family to take part in the therapy, as the therapist cannot examine the family patterns correctly without
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I will seek the main reason or the point, where the girl’s aggression appears and why. Maybe the parents provoke the girl unconsciously, maybe the girl have the problems, which are not connected with the parents. Andy also should learn controlling herself, when she feels the wave of aggression coming. During her free time the girl needs to find the moments for the relaxing activities, as yoga, swimming, music or meditations. But, of course, all of these will not work properly if not to find the root of the problem. Detecting the irritant is a half of success in this case.
As I have already mentioned, my short-term goal will be the trust of the girl, the connection and the dialogue between us and between her and the parents. One of the long-term goals is finding the roots of the problem. According to Glick and Gibbs (2011), “Any and every act of aggression has multiple causes, both within and external to the child and adolescent” (p.13) . Other long-term goals are improvement in relations between the parents and Andy and the girl learning to control her emotions or even finding another way (replacement) for her

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