The female in the first generation was the nurturer and the males offered …show more content…
The family system used relatives to assist with care and any other needs, opposed to seeking governmental assistance. The kinship care exemplified in the first generation has a horizontal pattern on the other generation. For instance, my intimidate family has legal guardianship of a cousin because her mother cannot provide the appropriate amount of love and care. There was not any complains or disagreements about the care of the cousin because it is not a part of the family culture to place children in the foster care system. The family prides themselves on keeping the family …show more content…
The health issues that the mother experienced were not well known until she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Any other contributing issues to the mother’s health were not determined or discussed with other generations. The breast cancer was diagnosed in the early nineties causes the family to bind together to ensure the care of the mother which was helpful for a few years until she passed away from the cancer. By the first generation having breast cancer, the other generations after her are aware of the issue and continue to be properly check for the cancer. The death provided awareness in the home for personal awareness but awareness and support of the breast cancer foundations. After the passing, the family does not give the other generations any information on the mother while she was receiving treatment for the cancer and how she acted before diagnosed with the