Whether it be college or professional, football brings families and communities together nationwide. For example, my neighborhood plays an annual football game on Thanksgiving. Without that game, a majority of us would never speak to each other, but the game brings us closer together as a neighborhood, and as friends. Furthermore, football promotes effective communication and an active lifestyle. What do other seasons have to offer? Winter has basketball and hockey; one’s a sport of actors rather than athletes, and the other is only popular in-- wait, the country’s name has slipped my mind-- I will think of it later. Some fall critics may say what about baseball during the summer? It is America’s pastime you know? I respond, “more like America’s naptime.” Other sports aren’t even on the same elite level as football. One of the best experiences of my life is when I attended the Ohio State vs Penn State football game in Columbus. I got to spend quality time with my father, and enjoyed America’s true pastime, football. I truly believe football is the only sport that could foster the relationship between my father and I, while providing a fantastic night of entertainment. The list of positive characteristics about fall could extend onto an infinite amount of pages. However, the examples provided should change your favorite season to fall, or further develop your love for fall. Its enticing beauty, impeccable weather, and occupancy of football rise above the “best” qualities other seasons have to
Whether it be college or professional, football brings families and communities together nationwide. For example, my neighborhood plays an annual football game on Thanksgiving. Without that game, a majority of us would never speak to each other, but the game brings us closer together as a neighborhood, and as friends. Furthermore, football promotes effective communication and an active lifestyle. What do other seasons have to offer? Winter has basketball and hockey; one’s a sport of actors rather than athletes, and the other is only popular in-- wait, the country’s name has slipped my mind-- I will think of it later. Some fall critics may say what about baseball during the summer? It is America’s pastime you know? I respond, “more like America’s naptime.” Other sports aren’t even on the same elite level as football. One of the best experiences of my life is when I attended the Ohio State vs Penn State football game in Columbus. I got to spend quality time with my father, and enjoyed America’s true pastime, football. I truly believe football is the only sport that could foster the relationship between my father and I, while providing a fantastic night of entertainment. The list of positive characteristics about fall could extend onto an infinite amount of pages. However, the examples provided should change your favorite season to fall, or further develop your love for fall. Its enticing beauty, impeccable weather, and occupancy of football rise above the “best” qualities other seasons have to