A failing marriage is many times a failure to continue doing the right things. Somehow in the process of time and the experiences of life, people turn inward and stop nurturing the relationship by caring more …show more content…
Think about all of the things you used to do as a couple and write them down. Allow yourself to recall the feelings you had, the excitement you felt, and how you looked forward to being with that special person. Picture yourself doing all of those things together, but see yourself doing them now. See yourself enjoying each other and experiencing a new kind of excitement together. If you can rekindle that sense of anticipation in your own heart, your actions and words will begin to reflect a love that has new life.
A failing marriage does not have to continue on that track. All of the things you fell in love with in your spouse are still there. They may be covered up and atrophied through lack of use, but they are still there. If you will work to nurture your own love for your spouse, you will find it coming back to you. It may take some difficult work that requires a determined commitment, but it will happen. Start doing those initial things again. Allow that excitement over a new relationship to fill your heart again, only this time it will be a new love for an old