Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

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Knowledge is power if the known knowledge is controlled by a certain person or organization they have control of what intellectual information the population can learn such as having all of the books. Montag is a fireman who has is given the job to burn all books to keep the information away from the public. In order to make sure the book awareness is not found people found with books are burnt with the house holding the knowledge. Another protector of the information found in books is a mechanical hound made to accomplish the mission at any cost. With all information about the world the government has created a environment under control to ensure they keep the power. A new rewrite version of the modern day firemen with the title of Montag was to delegate the job to destruction of the fact written books. Montag desired questions about the reason for destroying the history being held in books so began to have doubts about the government he was working for. After burning countless books he became curious of what answers lay within the paper, to start the unpleasant event he stole books from the firemen to examine. To resolve the book burning and catastrophe around power Montag made an alliance up with a man by …show more content…
The people follow the burning of book s law because they understand the books give them feeling and emotion when read. The population lives in fear of the firemen and seem to think they are arrogant horrible people. Until the firemen Montag met a girl of the name Clarisse McClellan who was a seventeen year old who will introduce him to the potential of his world. This girl soon disappears and montag possesses to questions to what to do next but starts working with people of the past who could help. To ensure the people are in the dark they provide drugs making them unaware, giving the government the

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