Fahrenheit 451 Prologue Alternate Ending

Superior Essays
Picking up his now very heavy feet, Montag continued walking with the rest of the equally exhausted men. They were now very deep into the forest and surrounded by nothing but green,and above them, blue with the occasional fluf of white. The towering trees seemed huge to Montag compared to the fragile twig branched ones he was used to seeing planted in the city. His eyes caught one exceptionally large tree and followed it’s length to get a glimpse of the top. At the quick sight of the lush greenery which he assumed was the end of the tree,the sun flashed it’s beaming rays into his eyes making him quickly tilt his head back down. The men had now started talking. They began first began conversing by pointing out many of the forest’s natural beauties …show more content…
He had hoped Millie survived,but facing reality,he told himself she was surely dead. Suddenly,the distant sound of crashing water interrupted his inner thoughts and he jerked his head up. The others hadn’t quit noticed the splashing noises yet and continued on their conversation. “I hear water.” He said to them.”Well”,said Granger. “Lead the way.” It wasn’t long until they finally reached the source. It was a marvelous glimmering waterfall streaming down from a large mound of rock and falling into a blue pool of crystal clear water. As the group of men neared the waterfall, they noticed the cave behind the stream. Montag was the first to go into the cave and the men followed him through. Now soaking wet, each of them were inside the dark cave. None of them spoke as each of them took in all of the surrounding scenery. Montag lead them through the narrow-walled cave with the only source of light being the sun through the waterfall that they were distanting from. Soon it came to be pitch black.After walking for what seemed like a while one of them spoke.”Is there an end to this I wonder?” “Yes.” Montag replied,feeling more and more powerful with each step he

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