Fahrenheit 451 Alternate Ending Essay

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And just as Montag was about to step out of Faber’s back door, Faber had a needle in his hand and injected it into Montag’s neck .
“I’m sorry,” Faber cried, “I don’t know why!”
And just like a person on anesthesia, Montag suddenly collapsed into Faber’s arms. When Montag woke up, he was in a white room. Very much like Millie’s parlor, except the White Clown was not there. The walls were pearl-white, and he was dressed like if he were in heaven. Montag was confused, and he felt as if he couldn’t move, as if he were paralyzed. He was afraid that he was at the Headquarters, another name for a prison for criminals, but the room was simply not what he imagined it to be like.
When he lifted his finger, it was like a shower of relief, he finally
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Montag knew he hadn’t lost his memory, because he answered with a yes.
“My name is Dr. Mathieu Andelman. Can we come in?,” the man asked this with such gentleness. Montag had no other reason not to let them in, otherwise he wouldn’t know what he was doing at this place. With a simple smile from Montag, the doctor and the couple came
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Montag also notices the tiny Seashells in the doctor’s and couple’s ears. He touches his ear and the doctor notices it.
“You don’t have one because you simply don’t need it. Now, identify the man in the picture,”
“That is Guy Montag, that is the man before you,” Montag said this with such shakiness in his voice.
“Thank you Mr. Montag, just making sure you had your memory.” Montag was relieved, again, because he wasn’t very sure of what was going to happen. After a few other exams, and an exchange of whispers between the doctor and the couple, the doctor said, “Mr. Montag, you have probably been wondering who the couple behind me are.” Montag only nodded, he was still in shock from waking up.
First, the doctor pointed to the man, “This is Chancellor Montag,” then he pointed to the woman, “and this is his wife, Mrs. Monica Montag. These are your parents and dear leaders of this free world.” When the doctor finished that sentence, Montag felt as if a heavy stone had been put on him. He just couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Before he could say something, the doctor continued revealing all the dark details behind why he was in the white-pearlescent room.
“You see, do you remember a place where big walls of TV

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