Meanwhile, humans do not have this brown fat. Hence, why we gain weight when we consume more than the calories required. Instead, our “white” fat cells store the extra calories and cause more weight to be packed on. Then Cloud goes on to say that this is the reason that weight lose exercises and shows are not a success in helping individuals lose weight. The author goes on to say how self-control is a muscle and how we are the ones who can control it. But, Cloud mentions how our bodies are not evolutionary programed to have self-control. When someone exercises their bodies self regulatory capacity gets weaken and provokes people make poor food choices. For example, he states that someone who exercises may get hungry and instead of making a healthy choice, such as eating a salad they are more likely to indulge in a pizza after a long workout. Cloud questions if exercising is contributing to obesity. The reasoning being that exercising makes certain individuals more tired and making them more likely to order take out food rather than cooking a healthy meal at home. Also, in a study Yale conducted told obese participants in the study to exercise more and eat …show more content…
Participants in this study were getting frustrated because many people are more likely to gravitate towards food than exercise. This has lead to inaccurate results in obesity research. In previous research they have come to the realization that the obese exercise more than the average person. The book Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health states that the obese tend to burn more calories than the rest of us. Which means that their metabolism is working harder to burn off the excessive calories. Although exercise may have little to no benefit on weight loss according to Cloud it does have an impact in someone 's overall health. Such as preventing diabetes, obesity, cancer, mental health, and cognitive ability. In other words, the author states that exercise is meant to maintain a healthy life and working out does not contribute to weight loss. Cloud warns that if someone is considering to exercise for weight loss; it may actually make them more likely to gain