The central focus of transformational leadership is on followers in organizations in which leaders care about them and are invested in their professional growth. Transformational leaders empower followers through support as they are individually considerate, recognizing their distinctions. Their charisma makes them influential as it enables them to clearly articulate their vision to followers; motivating and inspiring them to realize that vision. Transformational leaders are altruistic beings who value their followers and their aspirations. They serve as a role model to followers, sincerely gaining their trust and respect (Bass, 2010). Transformational leaders take control of change. …show more content…
Kouzes and Posner stated that transformational leaders instill “a sense of adventure in others, look for ways to radically alter the status quo, and scan the environment for new and fresh ideas. Leaders always search for opportunities to do what has never been done” (as cited in Ingleton, 2013, p. 224). Sustaining resonance in a leadership position requires for leaders to be change agents. Being a change agent is a highly critical role as it takes purpose, passion, and perseverance. In today’s competitive global environment of declining resources, competing priorities and increased demand for services it cannot be business as usual. Leaders who are responsive to change but also those who have the capacity to create change are needed. Llopis (2014) states that change is the new normal for leadership success and all leaders must accept this fact. Leadership goes beyond the ability to constantly manage change and crisis, but also requires circular vision to see around the obvious in order to anticipate unexpected obstacles. He also states that leaders as change agents must possess the following qualities: • Multigenerational