For instance, when Walter was looking forward the insurance money to use the money for his dream, his mother, Rena, tells him that she will spend the money to support Beneatha to be a doctor. After he hears that, he mention to his sister that “go be a nurse like other women, or just get married and be quiet” (Hansberry 929). In this situation, people realize not only the fact that female’s power was lower than male’s at that time but also the circumstance how Walter believe that his dream and goal are much more crucial than Beneatha’s who is a female. Therefore, when he gets the insurance money, he uses all of money including Beneatha’s tuition for her future to invest his business. His behavior demonstrates that how he concentrates for only his dream with ignoring his younger sister. On the other hand, Beneatha firmly says that “I am going to be a doctor,” even if she knows the circumstance that African American female is very difficult to be a doctor, and socially successful person at that time period (Hansberry 936). Without role model, she determines that she will be a great doctor. Furthermore, the author intends that she wants “challenging obstacles like sexism, and gender stereotypes” from Beneatha of the play (Mafe 31). For example, the …show more content…
Walter adapts himself to the unfair and unsatisfactory society to live. Moreover, he believes that only money, not learning and education, can make him to live in better life. When his mother, Lena, recognizes that his final goal is being rich person, she tells him that freedom and human dignity are most important not money in the life such as the other African Americans struggling “to define themselves with respect to their newly acquired freedom” (Gourdine 535). However, when he replies her that "[life] was always money," the sentence shows how he has lived for only money not psychological maturity (Hansberry 950). Moreover, contrary to Beneatha who wants to change the world from her effort of study, Walter shows a conformist image by himself with a sentence: “I didn 't make this world [, and] it was [given] to me this way" (Hansberry 989). Therefore, for him who thinks like that, his dream that wants to use the insurance money to invest in a shaky business to make a great deal of money is understandable result differently from Beneatha who wants to spend the money for education. On the other hand, even if Beneatha has many hobbies that are utterly incompatible with her family’s economy such as “riding a horse [and] playing the guitar,” this shows that she is a character who has an intelligence,