‘The Great Gatsby’ is a novel published in 1925 by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. Midwest-born Nick Carraway details Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire obsessed with the notion of being reunited with Daisy Buchanan, a woman he lost five years earlier. The novel particularly focuses on describing the disintegration of the American dream; the view that all people are created equal, and have equal opportunity in the pursuit for happiness. This definition of the American dream, however, is challenged by Fitzgerald; suggesting that the American dream became nothing but the pursuit for happiness through materialism (having a big house, car, etc.). This paper will explore and analyse the techniques that Fitzgerald used to undermine the American…
The American Dream is defined by James Adams as a "life [that] should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement,” including themes of democracy, rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality. The Great Gatsby is a representation of the American Identity during the Jazz Age, a period of time before the Great Depression when there was economic prosperity and lavish behavior, which revolve around the ideals of the American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby poses the themes of the American Dream such as the pursuit of happiness, prosperity, and equality through his use of rhetorical language and literary devices, which is supported and analyzed by various criticisms of his…
Dalia Marquez Ms. Krupala English III March 3, 2017 The Great Gatsby Essay Throughout the years people in society have done anything and everything in order to acquire wealth. In the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby this aspect of society is portrayed greatly through the characters.…
The Great Gatsby and “The American Dream” Can we all achieve “The American Dream”? Many people have travelled from all over the world in hopes of reaching “The American Dream” of prosperity and happiness. Unfortunately, through social class divisions and life situations, many Americans do not believe that they can reach this dream. However, Fitzgerald disapproves obtainable of “The American Dream” for every person, despite social class. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, and George Wilson to compare the three levels of wealth in the novel as well as demonstrating the struggles that all people face when trying to reach “The American Dream”.…
In The Great Gatsby, by F, Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is a native Midwesterner who dedicates his life to earning enough money to live in the affluent West Egg. Gatsby does not grow up wealthy, but becomes intrigued by the superficial lifestyle of the elite. He surrounds himself with luxurious belongings, upscale people, and even changes his name, all to win back the lost love of his life, Daisy. Gatsby attempts to attain the American Dream, but in the process, his temperament transforms into one of an elite: materialistic and superficial. The friendships and decisions that Gatsby makes while obtaining the American Dream, however, are unethical and prove to be detrimental.…
The “American Dream” is one of the defining principles on which the culture of the United States is founded. It is the idea that just being a U.S. citizen gives one the ability to work one’s way up from the bottom and end up being successful. This promise draws many people to work very hard to better themselves in an attempt to attain this success that they believe is theirs for the taking. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby does just that.…
The corruption of the American Dream is a prevalent theme in classic literature, as it highlights the falsified illusions of social mobility and power commonly promoted during the early twentieth century. The motivation for socio-economic inclination is generally consumed by materialism and shallowness in an effort to satisfy the constant lack of self fulfillment, which inevitably leads to self destruction. Many people blindly accept the idealistic concept of social and economic mobility only to discover its unattainableness. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald explores the corruption underlying the pursuit of the American Dream through Jay Gatsby. In an effort to captivate Daisy’s attention, Jay Gatsby publicly displays his wealth and…
There are many debatable issues over which people base their opinions. Human beings are made to have their own personal views on different ideologies and practices; no one ideology can fight against all other views and say that factually and morally their way of viewing things in life is the only right way. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald illustrates the concept of the American dream. Through the use of characters like Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Tom and Daisy Buchanan and many more other characters. The Great Gatsby is a story of the defeated love between a man and a woman.…
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby narrates the story of a man, Jay Gatsby, and his perseverance to achieve his dream to win over his love, Daisy. Unfortunately, Gatsby’s life comes to an abrupt end, along with that dream. All of this is seen through the point of view of Nick Carraway, a man who moves to New York to learn about the bond business. The book takes place in the 1920s, a time of economic prosperity, with many people striving to achieve the American Dream. The American Dream is the ideal that Americans have the opportunity to achieve wealth and prosperity through hard work and dedication.…
American Dream: The Great Gatsby In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. S. Fitzgerald writes about a time period in American history where achieving anything was possible, at least that was the common belief. Not only does he describe the economic, social, and historical circumstances that drive his characters, but also a glimpse into the minds of the characters that they use as a way to justify their actions and motives. The most basic reason for the actions that take place in the course of the book is towards an idea that many people are familiar with. It’s the American Dream.…
On the surface of the novel written by Scott F. Fitzgerald, one may say that "The Great Gatsby" illustrates a classic American story with a plot twist, having one of the preeminent characters pass in an abrupt and unforeseen way. However, underneath that very surface lies the resounding theme of the novel—The American Dream. "The Great Gatsby" is a pure symbolic reflection of America in the 1920s, depicting the effects of the sudden boom in the marketplace and the intensified materialistic views people gained. The American Dream in the novel is stripped of its ambition and gaiety once Fitzgerald spun a mordant critique of that particular decaying illusion in the society of the '20s, where people 's ethical significance was splintering, and their giddy greed for wealth and superfluous material items resulted in hedonism—which very well still happens today.…
Scott Fitzgerald is an American author who wrote The Great Gatsby. The concept of the American dream is displayed vividly throughout the novel. Although the American dream is presumed to be about independence, opportunity, and making something of one’s self, it ends up being more about riches, materialism, and pleasure. The story is centered around Jay Gatsby, a man who is very wealthy and has many material things, but has not achieved his dream. His dream is incomplete because he is not with Daisy Buchanon, his first love.…
The malevolent decline of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby The American Dream, established by humanity, declares that every human should have the opportunity to great success through hard work, but as the dream is merely an aspiration, it then holds great peril if delved too far for. In the outward story of a failed relationship, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby displays the American Dream as a rather idealistic aspiration of unrealistic goals in the form of an optimistic strength, but at the same time, a fatal frailty. Through the ardent protagonist that is Jay Gatsby, the entirety of his life and his encounters exemplifies the thorough process of recklessly pursuing the American Dream, which ultimately leads to his demise. In…
In the roaring twenties, materialism and wealth were the keys to happiness. F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts this in his novel The Great Gatsby. The characters used their materialism and wealth to build their perfect utopia, for dominance, comfort, and love. With the help of geography, Fitzgerald analyzes and explores the horrid truth of American wealth and materialism through Myrtle Wilson, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan, and Jay Gatsby. Myrtle Wilson lives in the Valley of Ashes “where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens […] with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air” (23).…
The main theme behind Fitzgerald’s literature is the demise of the American Dream. By examining his portrayal of the “elite society” it is very easy to perceive that the American Dream is no longer about hard work and dedication to reach success. Rather Fitzgerald argues that it has now become solely about manipulation to become materialistic and corrupt. For example, on the surface Jay Gatsby is perceived to be a successful man with a dashing personality, expensive clothes, and a luxurious mansion. But upon taking a look at how he attained all of those things he is the exact opposite of what the American Dream was originally about.…