Examples Of Jealousy In Othello

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To be jealous is a feeling or showing of envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. "Othello" was written by William Shakespeare in 1603. It is about an untrustworthy character Iago who stirs up gossip causing the tragedy to unfold with a moor, Othello, Desdemona his wife, Iago, his wife Emilia and Cassio a lieutenant, and many more characters who fall to Iago 's lies. During the time William Shakespeare was writing the tragedy, Aristotle had set some standards for plays. He states that to have a good they need to follow three unities. They include, time everything needs to take place in 24 hours, place it should stay in one location, and action that there should be no side stories. However, William Shakespeare decided
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William Shakespeare 's, "Othello" is a tragedy derived from both romantic and nonromantic jealousy, the jealousy causes many of the characters to come to conclusions without proof as demonstrated by Iago, Othello, Roderigo as well as many other …show more content…
He spends his time with Cassio, Roderigo, Othello and Desdemona while omitting attention for his wife. During the movie and throughout the tragedy, Iago treats his wife very poorly. It is apparent that he does not respect her or love her anymore. This could because of his belief that she has been unfaithful or because he is too busy manipulating everyone else in the story. Iago uses Emilia to steal the handkerchief so he can plant it in Cassio 's room. Emilia admits to Desdemona, "But I do think it is their husbands ' faults If wives do fall. Say that they slack their duties And poor our treasures into foreign laps" (832). With this line she explains how she would never cheat on her husband but if she would it would be because he is spending his has forced her to seek for love in other places because has already fallen out of love with her. Emilia is jealous of all the Iago 's attention he is putting into trying to ruin Othello 's marriage and Cassio 's job. Emilia demonstrates romantic jealousy throughout the tragedy because Iago does not acknowledge

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