Examples Of Career Goals

Improved Essays
Once I received my FOCUS 2 results, I was not surprised at all. My results are consistent with my career goals. My major is in Exercise Science, once I get my bachelor’s degree I then plan to go to physical therapy school to get my doctorate’s degree in physical therapy. There are some occupations that were listed that I have thought about doing that proved to be a good fit such as a Social Worker, an Educational Therapist, a Health Educator, or a Middle School Teacher. There were also some occupations that were a poor fit for me such as a Business Professor, a Criminal Justice Professor, and a Psychiatrist. I believe that these occupations were listed because of what I answered on the career readiness and self-assessment. It took …show more content…
I sort of always knew that I wanted to work with people but the FOCUS 2 results that I received basically told that I should go into a career that allows me to work with others. Most of the careers that were listed involve me working with people and helping people. Even if I decide to change my major I want to major in something that will lead me to a career path where I can help people. Some career paths that are consistent with my academic strengths, work interest, personality, skills, and values are a social worker, an educational therapist, a health educator, and a middle school teacher. My Holland Code fits well with the occupation of physical therapy in meeting with most of the interest profile. The downside to my interest profile is that I only meet with one of the top three interest profile for a physical therapist. A physical therapist’s top three levels interest profile is social, investigative, and realistic. My interest levels are Social 87.50, Enterprising 50.00, and Artistic 33.33. I meet up well with the social interest level but I do not meet up with the investigative and realistic part of being a physical therapist. Being that my interest profile only meets up with some of the levels makes me look at wanting to be a physical therapist as a whole. It almost makes me want …show more content…
No, I will not need to change my major but I have thought about changing my major simply because I do not want to take classes that I do not need to take because of my major. Three resources on campus that can assist me with my career planning are individual career advising assistance, What Can I Do With This Major?, and Jaguar Job Link. There are many other resources that I can use to assist me with my career planning. Since I plan to take summer classes next year I could take the Career Development & Job Search Class that the university has to offer. My academic goals for the next semester are to make sure that I make good grades in all of my general education classes, take the classes that I need to take for my major, and I want to score an 80% or higher on all midterms and finals. My career goals for the next semester are to figure out what is it that I want to do in life, figure out what it is that I am passionate about, and whether or not I want to be a physical therapist. These resources will help me achieve my goals by figuring out if being a physical therapist is the right career choice for me, it will help me figure out if I am willing to go to school for another three years after I have received my bachelor’s degree,

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