Examples Of Bullying In Jane Eyre

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In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, little Jane faced many difficulties in her childhood being bullied by her cousin, John. He was a young, Fourteen year old boy with a matured body who was only four years older than Jane, and he treated her with awful cruelty, pushed her around, reminding of her poverty. Thus a ‘Bully’ is a person who uses a personal quality or a strength to torment the weaker or physically and mentally harm another person. Bullies can be male, female, young or old. There are several types of methods bullies usually use like physical bullying, verbal bullying and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is one of the most common methods of tormenting bullies use. It happens when a person uses physical activities to gain control over others. Physical bullies share a lot of common characteristics. They tend to be stronger, bigger and more arrogant compared to others. Examples of physical bullying include slapping, hitting, kicking, punching, pushing and other physical attacks. A typical example of physical bullying is when one boy pushes another boy and threatens to tie his shoe lace, and if he doesn’t obey, the bully physically hurts him. Unlike other forms of bullying, physical tormenting is the easiest to identify. Teenage is the age when this type of bullying is most common and often school is the place where bullies tend to torment others. The main cause of physical bullying is the desire of having power over other peers. Some children think that if they push others around and make them do what they want, they will get noticed. In fact, some think it is ‘cool’ and funny to be the boss of everyone. Hence they physically hurt others with the intention of getting popular among others. Further, some children tend to bully others due to their personal traits such as aggressiveness, anger and jealousy. However students who bully …show more content…
With the huge transformation of the internet, a new type of bullying has emerged. Unlike Physical and verbal bullying, cyber bullying involves no face-to-face interaction. Cyber bullying is when a person uses the internet, cellphones or any other digital technology to torment or threaten another. Teenagers are the ones who are most commonly engaged in cyber bullying. Cyber bullies believe that it is easier to hide and they can easily get away with online bullying, rather than a physical engagement. Typical examples of cyber bullying includes uploading embarrassing photos on social media, spreading rumors via text messaging and blackmailing/threatening over instant messaging. There could be a number of reasons which would motivate a person to engage in cyber bullying. In most cases, these bullies are victims of real world bullying. As a result, the eager for revenge develops and the victims go online to bully others to feel powerful. The causes for being an online bully is mostly psychological. The fact that one gets less recognition in the society and being socially rejected can also be one of the reasons to be a bully. For example, people who lack social skills with a few or no friends may want to feel more powerful than others. Therefore, they might threaten another; maybe a popular person with a large circle of friends behind the computer screen and feel good about themselves. Most of the cyber bullies are recognized as introverts; who are shy and quiet. Thus they believe that they can post things anonymously and that they won’t get

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