Examples Of Ambition In Julius Caesar

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On March 15, 44 BC, Brutus killed Julius Caesar for the freedom and protection of Rome. According to Brutus he says, “I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him but as he was ambitious, I slew him.” (ll. 26-27). Another reason as to why he killed him was his ambition. Perhaps Brutus thought that Caesar had too much ambition. Which begs two questions did Caesar have too much ambition? Moreover, what was Caesar so ambitious about? In this essay, I am going to talk about Brutus’ funeral speech and whether it was more effective than Antony’s, what rhetorical appeals did both Brutus and Antony use, and if having too much ambition is a bad thing. In my opinion, Brutus had the better funeral speech he was unequivocal on why he killed Caesar and did not try to make friends with the people that did not accept what he did to help Rome. In Antony’s funeral speech, he is very repetitive for example, he says, “For Brutus is an honorable man.” (l. 90). Then he says it again, “And Brutus is an honorable man.” (l. 95). …show more content…
Caesar was killed just for having ambition. Maybe the determination to make everyone slaves. With all that said Brutus did have the better funeral speech than Antony, he not only spoke about why he killed Caesar he commemorated him as his friend that he had so much love for. Antony did not really entice the reader with his speech to summarize what he said is Brutus is an honorable man (x3 times), Caesar did not have any ambition because he brought captives home to Rome and the money brought great wealth to the city, Antony tried to give Caesar a kingly crown and he refused three times, and the people should love Caesar as they once did. These statements do not entice the reader Antony should have talked more about the bad that Caesar did. He should have refuted Brutus’ argument of him having to kill Caesar because he was trying to make them all

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