I also like to relax and I have a weak spot for babies and animals. I dislike a lot of things, to be quite honest. I generally dislike anything that has to do with zombies, terrible movies,talking to people, my dad’s singing, traffic, gym class, and being bored. I think some of my strengths would be my independence, calmness, and kindness. I like being independent, and I hate depending on others for things. I’m pretty calm in most situations, I try to not let things stress me out too much and I tend to be very laid back. And I’m a very polite, nice person to anyone I greet and I try to be nice to everyone, even if they’re rude to me. Some weaknesses I have is I’m not so strong physically, I’m very quiet, I’m a procrastinator, and I’m an overthinker. I wish I was more physically stronger, so I can defend myself in case I ever get attacked out of nowhere one day. I tend to be very quiet when talking to people, and it’s either they can’t hear me most of the time, or I have a hard time speaking to them. I’m trying to overcome it, but it’s a very difficult process for me. I was huge procrastinator ever since I started Kindergarten. My motto was “Have fun and do work later.” I’m slowly overcoming …show more content…
It’s really hard for me not to overthink. I’m trying to control my thoughts more, and not let it get to me so much. I want to be a more confident, successful person. I really would like to be an author. I have a million stories in my mind, and I would love if my books became really popular and have their own little movie franchise. I guess I want to be an author because I think books can change people’s lives and they can really make a difference. I also want to overcome my anxiety when talking to people and developed a more positive outlook than a negative one on things. I want to be this because I just want to improve myself. I want to be more assertive and stand up for myself more. How I see myself in 10 years is I will be happily married, have a good career, a few kids, and a family dog. For my goals: Besides being an author;I really would like to become a criminal psychologist or a Kindergarten teacher;becoming more confident and assertive; balancing my time better; make new friends; and to stop procrastinating. I haven’t taken much activity to these goals, but it’s slowly getting there. I plan on taking some more psychology and child development classes to figure out which career path I really want to