Ethical Dilemma
This case regards a woman named Susan who is finally pregnant after many years of trying. Unfortunately, after visiting her doctor, she finds out that her baby tested positive for Down Syndrome. Her doctors soon tell her that they suggest aborting the fetus, yet Susan feels uncomfortable …show more content…
Although the baby did test positive for down syndrome, that does not mean the baby will not have a happy and fulfilling life. Susan’s baby will be given a life that is full of joy, laughter, and love. Having been trying for a long time, Susan is finally with child and should be grateful and excited. Of course, having a child with this disability will be difficult at times, but God has a plan for Susan and her child and does not wish suffering upon them, but love. God blessed Susan with a child that she will be able to take care of and appreciate. Susan will become stronger because of this and God will allow her and her child to be …show more content…
Not believing that God created and shaped every human being may make the decision easier in a way. They would most likely think the best thing for them to do is abort the baby because it would save everyone from future suffering. Atheists wouldn’t think of the baby as God’s gift or creation. J. Andrew White explains that “to eliminate a defect is to actually eliminate the defective” (White, 1976, pg. 95). Sadly, the main reason Susan might’ve aborted would be because of the Down Syndrome and would’ve thought that it was more important than her own child’s life. In opposition, the Christian worldview would look at this situation as a time when they needed God the most to help them preserve. Also, not believing in the ten commandments also adds to this decision as an atheist. They would either not think of the abortion as murder or they would show no care because the commandments mean nothing to them. One of the main arguments of abortion is if the fetus is actually considered a human. The people that are pro-life, “argue that begins at conception and that abortion is akin to murder since the fetus is a person with the same legal and moral rights as a “living” person” (Medoff, 2016, pg.159). Christians would take this to heart and know that breaking just one of these commandments is sin. Sinning is a large deal in the Christian worldview and doing so leads to further separation to