Unit 4 Discussion 2 Evidence Based Practice The trend towards evidence based practice (EBP) has increased with the implementation of the chronic disease management performed by nurses. Laughlin and Beisel (2010) reported the results of a pilot study regarding the evolution of the nurse role in a primary care setting as a member of the treatment team for chronic illness. Laughlin and Beisel (2010) focused attention on the skill sets nurses provided in care of chronic conditions emphasizing that nurses are uniquely qualified to assess the needs of patients with chronic illness and to formulate a plan for and coordination of care (p. 414). Barriers to EBP were acceptance of nurses in the role as members of the care team and lack of education…
Evidence based practice is credited to Nightingale who emphasized the importance of collecting realistic information having said, “What you want are facts, not opinions… The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe - how to observe - what symptoms indicate improvement - which are of none - which are the evidence of neglect - and what kind of neglect. ”(Nightingale, 1859. p.…
Policy Maker Interview Summary: Alison Mitchell Alison Mitchell is an Advanced Practiced Registered Nurse (APRN) who specializes in critical care. She originally started advocating for APRNs as a graduate student and eventually became the president of the Texas Nurse Practitioners (TNP) association from 2008-2010 (A. Mitchell, personal communication, October 10, 2016). Currently, Alison Mitchell is the APRN representative for TNP and continues to pursue her passion for health policy by being an active member in legislative and interim committees. In our interview, we discussed accessibility of care for women in Texas and development of full practice authority legislation to meet the growing needs of women and other vulnerable citizens within the state’s expanding population and increased need for primary care providers. These issues are in need of extensive policy reformation.…
PICOT: For psychiatric mental health staff nurses providing direct care to patients with mental health conditions and or dementia-related syndromes, would a set protocol for treatment approach, atypical second generation antipsychotics pharmacology program and screening tool for complications, during routine second generation antipsychotics medication management, increase nurse efficacy in SGA patient management. Research vs. Evidence-Based Practice Advanced-practice registered nurses(APRNs) are expected to take part in new knowledge that is identified and supported by evidence to promote optimal care delivery to patients while supporting the professional practice of nursing. The healthcare system has been moving toward evidenced-Based Practice…
Evidence based practice (EBP) involves the integration and analysis of primary research findings to make decisions on best practice for effective patient care (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2015; Polit & Beck, 2012). These forms of research complement each other as well. Primary research is the building block for EBP inquiries. EBP research involves the analysis of multiple primary research studies to make decisions about the most effective, highest quality patient care strategies. Numerous primary studies must be completed to generate enough evidence to promote change in practice to affect patient care and contribute to a culture of evidence based practice…
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan of care was not done. The patient outcome was not satisfactory. IOM reports say “nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States” (American Sentinel University, 2011, para. 1). Nurses should work as a leader. Nurses should collaborate with other health care team members and make a plan of care.…
Factors that are motivating the adoption of evidence-based practice by APN’s This day and age patients are an informed patient who have researched their symptoms, medicines and potential procedures. The APN must be knowledgeable of what is best practice and be prepared to have these conversations with the well informed patient. Just as the patient can become an informed advocate, they can also become the misinformed advocate. Evidence- based practice allows the APN a unique position to impart best practice research concerning treatment, diagnostic and even preventative education to the patient.…
Evidence- based practice is essential to the delivery of highest quality care and improve patient outcome. It will increase empowerment of health care provider, reduce health care costs, reduce complications and health care provider turnover rate. When best evidence used in patient care, the outcome is improving. EBP involving integration of a problem-solving approach within the context of caring…
A staff nurse has a big role in implementing evidenced based practice. By implementing these practices they are delivering care that’s in the patients best interest. From my own experience at Denver Health I have seen this in action. Each month at Denver Health there is a goal; for example this month it’s to decrease the incidence of Clostridium difficile(C-Diff) . Implementation begins with manager offering various staff meeting throughout the hospital and presenting current research on C-Diff.…
As you stated the advanced practice nurse (APN) must center care on evidence based practice. Implementation of best practices consists of the APN assessing and planning care based on best practices and with the knowledge of cultural values and beliefs. The understanding and use of evidence based practice is considered a core competency of the APN and further defines the professional role (Butler, 2011). Development of this competency promotes positive patient outcomes. While evidence based practice has proven to produce improved patient outcomes, reduced health care cost and improved clinical patient satisfaction, it is calculated its use is 55% (Vincent, Hastings-Tolsma, Gephart & Alfonzo, 2015).…
Factors that result in healthcare disparities may be grouped into the following categories: social, economic and physical. An individual’s ability to receive the most out of the healthcare system is determined and limited by these factors. For this reason, eliminating all factors that affect a person’s ability to obtain quality healthcare is the goal of nurses and other health care providers. As mentioned in previous articles, a nurse’s duty goes beyond the hospital; nurses have the duty to promote public health in their communities. This week’s articles focus on challenges that can be overcome to reach health equity locally, however through community level practice, we as future nurses have the potential to make a large impact and help improve…
Participation in policymaking is to allow nurses to practice to the full extent of our education, training, and experience for the primary purpose of improving patient outcomes and experiences. As the first generation of immigrant of health care provider, my sensitivity to the news and any issues regarding to immigrants or health care issues should be more understandable for those who have direct experience. With more than twenty years of experience in America, I should be an advocacy for health care reformation for minority. United States has been established from the immigrants who were seeking for the freedom of faith.…
The problem can become a high priority for the nurse if a high percentage of the patients are suffering. The nurse would identify the need for evidenced based protocol to find the solution. When nursing staff is involved in evidenced based practice, it leads to performance improvement, significant patient outcomes, and interest in nursing research (Giomuso. 2014).…
In 2010 the Institute of Medicine published a report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. It discusses how nurses can make changes to create a greater role in America’s healthcare system. It encourages nurses to become more educated and to take on leadership roles. It also talks about nurses working in partnership with physicians and other highly trained healthcare professionals. Therefore, nurses should study this report and see what kind of changes they can make in their own practice.…
Public and Private Healthcare According to Institute of Medicine (IOM), healthcare costs and quality issues have risen in the last ten years (Linsley, & Morton, 2014). Healthcare is provided through both public and private health agencies. Public healthcare agencies are provided by the government such as Medicaid. Private healthcare agencies are non-government providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS).…