Working thesis:
Mrs. Johnson and her two daughters live extremely different lives seen in their lifestyles, personalities, values, goals, and even uses of everyday heirlooms.
I. Lifestyles, background
A. Mrs. Johnson, dynamic, protagonist character
1. Background, education, religion, status
2. Lifestyle, status and style, activities, relationships, house and food
B. Dee, flat, antagonist character
1. Old lifestyle, background, changes that occurred before the story to “make it”
2. New lifestyle, activities, religion, relationship, house and food
C. Maggie, flat character
1. Life with her mom on the pasture, Background
2. Activities, religion, relationships, house and food II. Heirlooms, Heritage
A. …show more content…
Goals and dreams, no real changes throughout the course of the story C. Mother 1. Attitudes and personality 2. Goals and dreams, changes throughout the story 1. Working Outline: “The Necklace”
Working thesis: In trying to keep up appearances, Mathilde learns a valuable lesson about what really matters in life and how to set down her pride and appearance to make the most out of her circumstances.
I. Trying to keep up appearances and her treatment towards her husband
A. Manipulation of her husband over wanting to look richer
1. Acquiring the dress, her husband’s part
2. The borrowing of her friend’s necklace, her thoughts B. Unhappy with “mediocre” lifestyle, importance of her appearance 1. Only having what she needed not what she wanted, daydreams
2. Discontent with life, husband, “comfortable lifestyle” before necklace goes missing II. Consequences for trying to live above her means
A. Losing her friends necklace, giving up her current comfortable lifestyle, loss of maid, house, daydreams
B. Paying off debts, working fingers to the bone, losing friends, losing her attractiveness, loss of desire to be