The Greatest Moment Of Time Analysis

Improved Essays
On July 16, 1969, an unforgettable and historical event occurred. This was a time of significance and overwhelming achievement for mankind. Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon, along with the help of his colleague Edwin Aldrin. Both of these men are widely recognized for their brave and courageous act. With all the complications and challenges they might’ve gone through, people supported them every step of the way thanks to Times of London for publishing an article describing the event. Also, a speech made by William Safire discussing what President Nixon would’ve had said if the mission did not succeed. The third is a review about the day of the event by novelist Ayn Rand and lastly, is a political cartoon that was seen at this time.
Times of London Analysis The publisher of this article seemed very intrigued and involved by this very crucial and dangerous event. He/she, as a reporter, did an excellent job of providing explicit details to make the reader feel like they were a part of this significant time period or for anyone who was there and wish to relive the moment again. The reporter captivated and projected the descriptions that Aldrin observed: “ We’ll get details of what’s around here. But it looks like a collection of every variety, shape, angularity, granularity; a collection of just about every kind of rock.. the colour depends on what angle you’re looking at… rocks and boulders look as though they’re going to have some interesting colours.” Aldrin provided these details to captivate the audience’s attention. He wanted to keep the audience interested and intrigued about what was happening on the moon, and I don’t blame him. By using the details of Aldrin’s observations, the reporter effectively captured the audience’s attention. And with this article being published, people were able to pass on and relive the moment. News Team in Houston and London Analysis Similarly to the recent article, the publishers used a significant amount of details to gain the attention of the audience and to leave them in awe. This article is just as effective as the last, due to the effective way it was written and how they knew to captivate the reader’s attention. Anyone who read this, I’d say, was left in shock and in suspense as they read about the procedures Armstrong and Aldrin experienced. “ The two astronauts opened the hatch of their lunar module at 3:39 A.M. in preparation for Neil Armstrong’s walk.. Aldrin had to direct Armstrong out of the hatch because he was walking backwards and could not see the ladder..By this time the two astronauts had spent 25 minutes of their breathing time but their oxygen packs on their backs last four hours.” The uses of these great details and way they are set up in chronological order really grasps the audience’s diligence and affects the perspective that they might have had of the event. Greatest moment of time Analysis In contrast to the two articles, this one portrays an emotional appeal because the people included had a lot to say about this historical time period and used their own personal feelings to express how they felt about the accomplishment. President Nixon, the British Prime Minister,
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Below him, is Earth. Scattered with many issues that people have completely abandoned and ignored at this time period. “ The greatest moment of time” completely brainwashed the people of this time causing them to only focus on what’s happening on the moon , instead of focusing on the real problems that are happening on earth, their home. HerbLock published this cartoon on July 18,1969. The same time period that the journey was occurring. He hoped to get his audience to notice what they looked like. This time period was a marvelous time for many people. It involved drastic changes in mankind itself, an unforgettable victory and a long time supply of happiness and confidence in further, as one may call it, impossibilities.This image was used to cause some sort of guilt in the audience by portraying worldwide problems like war, poverty and prejudice.He captured the scene perfectly yet with some exaggeration. But if that didn’t catch the audience’s attention, then what

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