Many found the analogy of the ridding of the “old man” and gaining the ‘new man” as a symbol for an upcoming revolution. There was an optimistic and hopeful anticipation for the new birth of a country, America. This idea was popular among the lowlands of the colonies where there were close communities and slavery was a major role in their economic market. In addition, it acted as a formation of a status quo. Smith states, “evangelicalism’s transcendent and flexible qualities contributed to the formation of political and social consensus in the South, provided lowcountry Anglican elites a new means for perceived significance in the larger British world, helped transform in their minds the image of slavery into a uniquely Christian institution, and supplied impulse for a unified action into the revolutionary era” (Smith,
Many found the analogy of the ridding of the “old man” and gaining the ‘new man” as a symbol for an upcoming revolution. There was an optimistic and hopeful anticipation for the new birth of a country, America. This idea was popular among the lowlands of the colonies where there were close communities and slavery was a major role in their economic market. In addition, it acted as a formation of a status quo. Smith states, “evangelicalism’s transcendent and flexible qualities contributed to the formation of political and social consensus in the South, provided lowcountry Anglican elites a new means for perceived significance in the larger British world, helped transform in their minds the image of slavery into a uniquely Christian institution, and supplied impulse for a unified action into the revolutionary era” (Smith,