First, the baby was shown its mother accompanied by random stranger for about two minutes. Once the baby had a short look, the baby was left alone in the room with its mother for 3 minutes. Soon after, the stranger walked in and stayed with the mother and baby for another 3 minutes. The fourth trial, the mother leaves the infant alone with the complete stranger. After every episode, results are recorded for observation. The fifth trial, the mother reunites with baby and stranger. The last trials, the two adults leave the child alone, then strange returns without the mother, and finally the baby’s mother returned as the stranger left. The method was performed on 100 middle class babies and their responses varied depending on their developed attachment. Ainsworth proved that there are indeed at least three attachment styles known as, secure, insecure avoidant, and insecure ambivalent/resistant. The difference between the styles is simple, secure, meaning that the child developed with very attentive parents, insecure, meaning the child developed with very little attention from its parents, and insecure ambivalent, meaning the child was given less attention than the secure infant, and insecure avoidant, meaning the baby developed with the least attention causing the adaptable responses to the experiment. Healthy relationships between parent and child are important for a child’s development because it helps in molding a positive future for a child. The attention the child grows with, allows them to feel confident in themselves, positively motivating them. In conclusion to the experiment, it was found that the babies’ response depended on the prior attachment they had with their mother. The less attention the baby received, the more the infant didn’t mind on the rapid change of environment. Though the experiment lacks consistency due to the variety of attachment styles, Ainworth taught society it was best to show a child more attention than less. Knowing how to be the …show more content…
Staying hopeful throughout the process will definitely encourage your child to open up, because it indeed starts with the parent. A few tips before seeking professional help would be: creating a daily schedule can comfort, spending time alone with child will increase its attention on parent, and setting rules, for example, allowing the child to know what is expected, what is allowed and what isn’t allowed would create a balanced relationship between caregiver and child. If the tips fail, a great alternation would be seeking professional help. There are several different types of therapy for the attachment styles, for example family therapy. Whether the unhealthy relationship was developed as a child or adult, it can be reverted into a loving and unbreakable attachment. The biggest necessity for a healthy relationship is always have patience when working with the