The Role Of Eudaimonia In Disney's Film Frozen

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Although happiness has countless contrasting thoughts by many writers, a key point made by Waterman and Ryff & Singer is eudaimonia, and it’s correlation with self acceptance/realization. Activities to reach eudaimonia are based around one reaching their potential whether they are pleasurable or not. Disney’s film Frozen(Chris Buck,Jennifer Lee) unveils the story of a character named Elsa,who has a power that she conflicts with, and instead of accepting and using her so-called ‘burden’, she withholds from it and isolates everyone she loves from her own life,in order to protect them. As time passes Elsa begins to understand the power she owns. Once Elsa acknowledges and accept this power, she uses her struggle for the benefit & help for others, …show more content…
These elements of the film pair with the idea of eudaimonia, as we see the growth of the character and their happiness. As Ryff and Singer mention in their writings, eudaimonia involves personal growth and purpose in life, which helps the individual's well being. This is shown from the start of the film, as when Elsa discovers her powers she believes she has no other choice but to remove herself from the kingdom and her sister in order to harbor the dangerous nature of the powers. Once she exiles herself, this is where we see her happiest form, she is in her own element, free to be at peace with her powers and forming a new life. Although she is seen to be happy and content with her newly found essence, we see her struggle with the loneliness as she is apart from her younger sister Anna. This key part of the story demonstrates eudaemonia and it’s environmental mastery which claims that, “the individual’s ability to choose or create environments suitable to his/her psychic conditions as a key characteristic of mental health.”(Ryff, C. D., & Singer, B. H.

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