Udo Merkel (2014) in his report of the German football culture in the new …show more content…
Three million German citizens have Turkish ancestry thanks to the Wirtschaftswunder (p. 3). Merkel (2014) tells that at the end of the 1990’s, the Turkish community in one the states, North-Rhine Westphalia, had at least 216 Turkish football clubs, the largest of any minority group in Germany. For these Germans of Turkish heritage, these football clubs of Turkish foundings and upbringings provide an opportunity to avoid discrimination, social pressures, and to find people of similar faith or ethnicity. These clubs offer these minorities something unique that other countries in Europe can not provide: Identity. This identity is shown by representing their country proudly through sports. As Merkel (2014) states, “ Sporting success can also contribute considerably to a general process of de-stigmatization, particularly if the represented group is widely regarded to be inferior, but proves, in the sporting context, to be (at least) an equal opponent” (p. …show more content…
In 1948, West Germany was in rubble figuratively and literally. To rise from the ashes, Geiger (1994) states, Erhard as Minister of Economic Affairs passed a currency reform that started the Wirtschaftswunder (p. 2). In the fairy tale of Wirtschaftswunder, Erhard played the hero, the U.S. played the fairy godmother, and the Soviet Union played the villain. The economic miracle that happened in West Germany was thanks to the automotive industry, coal industry, and exports coming out of West Germany to other places in Europe and the World (Geiger). The amount of work that was needed led the government to adopt a policy allowing foreign workers to come into the country and live in exchange for their services and employment (Geiger). This mass arrival of immigrants mostly came from Poland and Turkey thus unknowingly led to the birth of a football of different ethnicities and faiths. In Hofstede’s cultural dimensions the German football team, I would consider falls under a collectivist culture because it brings in so many different backgrounds and faiths and perfectly gels them together to form a great team. This is somewhat surprising since Germany in itself is an individualistic culture. This somewhat shows that as whole only things that have a different culture that works well may be view better than the culture that people come from