21st February, 2016
Ethics of Abortion
As human beings we have different beliefs and values that express all fields of our life. the main part beliefs and values were derived from our elders and other people who influenced us throughout life. The others is acquired by personal experience in educational, social fields and workplace. Different beliefs and values distinguish people between each other and serve as a basis for making various decisions.
There are two opposing points of view about such a complex and sensitive subject in bioethical literature as an abortion. The one is that abortion - is strictly personal and intimate problem, which does not interfere anyone, but only woman. This is - just one of medical operations, …show more content…
Let’s imagine different situations. Generally speaking, I am not a supporter of abortions; however there might be situations where the stop of pregnancy is a solution to many problems. Anyways, before deciding to perform or not, I would ask the reason why future mother made this choice; whether she is aware of consequences. I would try to overpersue the woman if her reason is irrelevant, giving her chance to think about it once again.
Thus, I would perform an abortion in some cases, but only at early stages. I have several reasons for that. Thus, the primary aspect in ethics of abortion is the consciousness of fetus. According to Peter Singer, until 18 weeks of gestation fetus does not receive any signals that give rise to pain. (Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, vol 1 ,1992). Another reason is one which relates to religion. According to Islam unborn does not have spirit until 4th month of maturation . Therefore from this period embryo is apperceived as human being, and abortion- as …show more content…
For example, Natural Law holds that fetus removal in ectopic pregnancies isn't right. In ectopic pregnancies, the embryo won't survive, however Natural Law considers an abortion as an evil act, despite the fact that it might spare the mother's life. In such situations, as a doctor I would prefer to save woman’s life, since the life without mother would not be complacency for future kid.
This topic was extensively discussed in all religions. According to Buddhism, to kill - to commit the worst negative thing. Buddhist Ethics begins with the commandment: "Do not take anyone's life, whether human or animal." Solving the problem of the nature and status of the embryo in Buddhism is this: "the embryo is sacred and carries the full potential of the human being." Therefore, abortion is corresponds to the destruction of life at any stage." The Bible repeatedly refers to embryos as very small kids, what means that Christianity also does not allow an