Ethical Practices Of The American Heart Association

Improved Essays
For this weeks assignment I chose to discuss the ethical practices of the American Heart Association. “The American Heart Association (AHA) builds their research team on values of Integrity, Excellence, Vision, Dedication, Inclusiveness, and Sensitivity” (AHA, 2011). It is the standard of the AHA to treat human subjects with respect. In addition the AHA treats all tissue and cells derived from experimental subject with the same respect. According to the AHA “ The American Heart Association does not fund scientific research that involves the use of human fetal tissue” (AHA, 2011). AHA also states that any human research will follow the guidelines endorsed by the National Institute of Health. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), most of the clinical study conducted in the United States are approved and monitored by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure that the risks are minimal and are worth any potential benefits (NIH, 2015) Before participating in a clinical trial, a participant should be ask to sign a consent form. Informed consent is used to provide the participants with the necessary information to keep the participant informed of what to expect during the study. The document explains the purpose of the study, and risk or benefits, duration of the study and any required procedures for the study (NIH, 2015). There are protocols in …show more content…
There are four phases to clinical trails. Phase

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