In life there is a fine line between being confident and being cocky. Being confident with your product means that you believe in your product, knowing and understanding that it will do well and why it will do well. Being cocky with your product means that you believe there is nothing better than your product and that nothing can go wrong with …show more content…
According to the engineers that designed and built the Titanic, it was unsinkable. The people involved in the building of the Titanic became too cocky, believing that if they said it was unsinkable, then it would be. They ignored the precautions that were told to make sure that there was an equal amount of space on the life boats as there were people on the ship, just in case the ship did sink. On April 14, 1912, over a year after the first launch date, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank killing almost 70% of the people onboard the Titanic. In situations like this, one should always expect the unexpected. Do not believe that just because you are the creator, inventor or builder of a product that nothing bad can happen to that product. Always listen to what precautions outsiders may give you, taking them to heart and understanding why there are …show more content…
Before the cars were originally set to be released, Ford figured out that there was a problem with the fuel tank. When the car was driving over 25 MPH and got into a car crash, the fuel tank would explode and potentially kill the passengers of the car along with the driver. The Ford company had calculated that it would cost them $11 per car to fix the fuel tank explosion issue, however they would have to push their release date to a later time. Ford calculated that the lawsuits they would receive would be significantly lower than what it would cost to fix the cars. Calculated it would cost Ford almost $137 million to fix the cars and $49.5 million in lawsuits. In the end it cost Ford almost three times the amount originally calculated in lawsuits. This all could have been avoided if Ford had taken the precautions and regarded the clients’ safety when deciding to sell the Ford Pinto car. Instead of focusing on how much it would cost and the thinking about the early release date, they should have been focusing on their clients’ health and safety. If one of your thoughts is that you would rather spend less money to make a product look better while sacrificing the safety of your product, you shouldn’t. Instead raise the price of your product in order to counteract the extra money being spent to fix the product. It would be better to spend more money in order to ensure that your clients are safe rather than spend less money