The first reason why hearing parents should have the access to the full information about the cochlear implant before taking the decision is that knowledge can relieve tension and psychological state of the parent, in addition, to ensure them that they have taken the right decision without any regret in the future. Due to the medical recommendations to get the cochlear implant as soon as possible(Connor and McDonald, 628) most of the parents get stressed and confused about which choice is better for their deaf child future (Punch and Hyde, 1027-1038). Having knowledge about the cochlear implant will prepare the hearing parents to accept the outcomes of the possible surgical risks as it will avoid some guilt and fear feelings (Duncan, 38-42). One example of the risks of potential cochlear implantation by parents who are not Deaf is that their child might not hear the sounds correctly after the implant. Thus, having the basics information about the sign language will communication skills in order to deal with the unexpected situations. A second reason why providing the hearing parents with the important information before taking the decision of doing the cochlear implants for their deaf kid is that the family will be fully prepared for any changes can be occurred to the dynamic family language. Hearing parents should be able to use sign language with the deaf child with cochlear implants due to letting the child learn the both languages: spoken and sign language. Understanding the family the advantages of learning the sign language will give the deaf child the full right to participate in the Deaf community without facing any communication struggles. The family's willingness to change the style of communication is a clear indication of the unity. Thus, Families’ environments that have a cochlear implants child characterized as warmer and more cohesive compared with the norms(Holt and Frush, 394). Hearing parents can join their deaf children with cochlear implants in the follow-up educational programs in order to make a strong understandable relationship with their child. A final reason why the parents who are not Deaf or hard of hearing better to be informed of the potential risks of the implants before making the decision is that getting enough knowledge about cochlear implants makes the family aware of their financial responsibility. One for examples of the financial risks is that child may damage their implants, so the family is the responsibility of getting a new one for the deaf child. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the implants can cost more around $100,000 to get replaced and it is not a small number for an implant which might be used for the rest of the child life. A second example of the financial risks which the family have to be responsible for is that the follow-up appointments and developing spoken language workshops required another financial commitment (Niparko, et al.1506). …show more content…
Doing the cochlear implants after teaching the child some signs will not exclude him/her from the Deaf community, but will help it to be improved, so that the child shares the two worlds and merge them by introducing the both; Deaf and hearing. In the article, “Ethical dimension of paediatric cochlear implantation”, author Rui Nunes, a philosophy professor has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Lisbon, argues that cochlear implant does not stand against the community of Deaf people since they have their own traditions, values, and attitudes. But instead, this technology aims to solve the deafness similar to overcome another disease and integrate the Deaf and the hearing peoples to share one and only one world (Nunes 337-349). More doors may open for the deaf child if he learned the sign language, for example, he/she might want to be part of the Deaf community without using cochlear implants anymore, so the deaf child will keep this language for the entirety of his life instead of depending on the