The job market is not in a position to absorb college graduates as soon as they leave college. Many students that have acquired a college education end up getting employed in areas that they did not study for. These people take up jobs at the mall or restaurants because they are unable to get their desired jobs. Over 50% of college, graduates spend a minimum of two years before being able to venture into their career field (Bennett & Wilezol, 2013). For some, they give up hope on ever being employed in their area of training and end up doing menial jobs. It is demoralizing for a person like me that has heard that education is the key to success all through their lives to end up in a profession that does not require much
The job market is not in a position to absorb college graduates as soon as they leave college. Many students that have acquired a college education end up getting employed in areas that they did not study for. These people take up jobs at the mall or restaurants because they are unable to get their desired jobs. Over 50% of college, graduates spend a minimum of two years before being able to venture into their career field (Bennett & Wilezol, 2013). For some, they give up hope on ever being employed in their area of training and end up doing menial jobs. It is demoralizing for a person like me that has heard that education is the key to success all through their lives to end up in a profession that does not require much