In Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, it is emphasized that a man's desire for wealth and power can turn out to corrupt an individual by creating rifts in one’s relationship. When Mr. Joe Gargery …show more content…
As Pip got to know people of hierarchy, he started to disown his upbringing and he slowly began to embrace his status and wealth. Pip’s arrogance and ego led him to forget his past, his cherished relationships. Therefore, social division and economic difference created a distance in their relationship, causing the reader to reflect on the negative effects of wealth causing one to abandon their relationship. Similarly, Pip’s attitude changed around Biddy, just like Joe had experienced. When the sad news of Mrs. Joe Gargery’s death had been reported to Pip, he immediately approached Biddy. She repeated, ‘“How am I [Biddy] going to live?’, striking in, with a momentary flush on her face. ‘I’ll tell you, Mr. Pip. I am going to try to the get the place of mistress in the new school nearly …show more content…
When Pip and Herbert became close friends, they spent their money frivolously, compiling debts along the way. “He [Herbert] had grand ideas of the wealth and importance... and I [Pip] began to think with awe... But, again, there came upon me, for my relief that odd impression that Herbert Pocket would never be very successful or rich” (181). Herbert was so dependent on Pip for everything he desired. Herbert dreamt of owning magnificent and luxurious living standards even though he could not afford them without Pip. Overdependence and blind faith that Herbert had on Pip almost ruined his own life, about to bring him much pain and misery. Furthermore, when Pip had the time of his life overspending, “‘They [the debts] are mounting up, Handel’ Herbert would say; ‘upon my [Herbert] life they are mounting up.’ I retorted, ‘Be firm, Herbert’ playing with my [Pip] own pen with great assiduity”’(277). Pip delved in so deep into this luxury and lavishness life that he lost his sense of discernment. His debts began to pile up and he kept on pushing it off to the side. Pip’s lavish lifestyle caused him to ignore all the good ways that he could utilize his money and instead, he focused on his appearance’s acceptance in the community of young gentlemen. One’s continuous passion for more can