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The Protestant Reformation was in the 16th century. During the middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church was an extremely powerful, unifying force of the people. As a result, the pope acted as the intermediary between men and God. As the Church gained more and more power, it began to use corrupt methods to earn money and control the mass. When the Church needs to finance its large building projects for Renaissance artists, it sold indulgences. Indulgences were “tickets” that saved humans from going to the purgatory. Land owning nobles’ wealth and power were being exploited as the Church grew. This set the stage confrontation of those called Protestants to the corrupt nature of the Catholic Church. Martin Luther, a German …show more content…
Tetzel declared that as soon as the coins “clinked” in his money chest, the souls of those for whom the indulgences had been purchased would fly out of purgatory Martin Luther objected to them because he believed that the church was wrong and that the bible had the last word, because it was the word of god. He believed that if someone was really sorry they would be forgiven. This The Protestant reformation divided Western Christianity and reshaped political and religious values in all of Europe. The Reformation also changed the way in which people viewed their spiritual faith and the way they approached matters of decision, leading to modern concepts of democracy. The Protestant Reformation helped to increase colonization in America and to develop religious tolerance and freedom in the new colonies. It also helped establish America as the economic powerhouse in the world. The early colonists eventually figured out how to utilize their land in order to earn huge profits by trading. Eventually, they were able to generate enough economic activity that caused trade to flourish and businesses to grow. This development happened over time, and by the middle part of the 20th century, the U.S. had become one of the