It expanded the powers that the government and police had in cases where they thought there been a threat of terrorism. This concerned people due to the vague wording feeling it gave way for the powers it gave to be easily abused whenever they pleased. The bill allows police to detain someone if they think a terror act “may” be carried out, arrest people for promoting or supporting terrorist groups, add people to the “no-fly list who they think make commit terrorist acts, remove terror propaganda from the internet, revoke citizenship of convicted terrorists, and deport convicted
It expanded the powers that the government and police had in cases where they thought there been a threat of terrorism. This concerned people due to the vague wording feeling it gave way for the powers it gave to be easily abused whenever they pleased. The bill allows police to detain someone if they think a terror act “may” be carried out, arrest people for promoting or supporting terrorist groups, add people to the “no-fly list who they think make commit terrorist acts, remove terror propaganda from the internet, revoke citizenship of convicted terrorists, and deport convicted