Throughout the semester the workload for other classes became too much, and we could no longer meet every …show more content…
The team members were friendly that we became friends that were able to help each other even in other subjects. Every member was always ready to assist whenever one of us was facing some difficulties concerning the project. The fact that we all showed equal commitment to our objective, trusted each other and remained united even when we disagreed, gave me a sense of belonging, and I was motivated to work together.
Throughout the project, there were several lessons that I learned one being that teamwork is not an easy job. For every decision that needs to be made, all the team members have to be consulted which is time-consuming because different individuals have different views and all the team members have to come into an agreement before implementing any change.
The team project has taught me how to better my communication skills. Some of the communication skills that we were able to practice were explaining our ideas, listening carefully, and asking questions to clarify others ideas. We did this through the regular open communication where all the members shared their thoughts, feelings, and