Student Loan Debt Research

Superior Essays
Student loan debt is one very important topic when referring to a college education and life afterwards. Over the years, many students have been left to face problems socially, economically, and psychologically after their graduation. Many expect to get high paying jobs and a stable income, to payback their loans. However, that may not be as easy as it seems. Student loan debt is beginning to take over.
Student loan debt does not only effect an individual separately but can also affect taxpayers and the nation as a whole. Government officials may have to step in to help the situation. In 2013, there were bills for student loans presented to congress. The bills were the Student Loan Forgiveness Act and the Private Student Loan Bankruptcy Fairness Act. Although they would help Americans economically in the future, the bills had zero chance of passing. Unfortunately, there was “no reform program…on the legislative horizon…that would regulate lending practices of the Wall Street banks” (Ross). Instead of the government helping to reduce student loan debt, they work to make profit. The federal government lends money at high interest
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So the burning questions in the back of all of our minds are “when can we get some relief?” The Government is all too happy to come to the rescue of drowning business owners, but not quick enough at all to come to the rescue of the victims of a new economic problem, “Student Loan Debt”. What is being failed to realize is that saving students from debt will in the end stimulate the economies capital. As long as so many students are falling into student loan debt, they will never properly get on their feet, which mean there is no room to save money. This also means they will not be financially available to buy a home, a car or even start a family

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