The camera panned into a single white framed window. Lady Gaga was dressed in all white sitting at a beautiful white piano with darkness in the background. Her voice was full of the kind of emotion that made you stand still. Her words were loud, dramatic and honest. “You don’t know how it feels till it happens to you.” Those are the lyrics that helped shed light on an increasing problem happening in our universities around the country. Sexual assault on college campuses are at an all-time high and it seems it’s a problem that many would like to sweep under the rug. We saw in the news how Brock Turner a student of Stanford University was given an extremely lenient jail sentence for the rape of an unconscious woman. This not only infuriated an entire community but personally myself. As a parent I have spent almost fourteen years protecting my kids from the worst. I am not naïve to think that we can follow our children around for the rest of our lives I will have to let them go but I do believe there are better solutions universities can take to prevent the increasing problem with sexual assault on college campuses.
Before solutions can be made it is good to know the full problem of sexual assault that is affecting our students at university. To give an example most …show more content…
The Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center say’s that a university should have three goals in their campus based sexual assault programs. One is to educate students, faculty and staff about sexual violence. Two is to prevent sexual assaults involving members of the campus community. The third and final goal is to provide an appropriate response when sexual assaults occur. These goals can be achieved when colleges implement effective policies, protocols, service delivery systems, security measures and educational activities