Some may say, Ronald Reagan wanted to change the definition of foreign policy, but he had felt that Communism was insidious and believed that the Soviet Union was determined on ruling the world. Many did not understand Reagan's ideas, when he had taken office and sometimes still misunderstand them today. Reagan had wanted no use of nuclear weapons at all because they would be the cause of war and destruction to human kind. (“Cannon, 2008”) Some may say Reagan had never picked a side, that he had always met others in the middle, but Reagan had wanted to give strength back to the United States through military buildup.The main idea of Reagan’s foreign policy was to win the cold war and end communism. Some may have considered that either a person …show more content…
Reagan had said to many that it was “ the saddest day of my presidency and probably the most saddest day of my entire life.” (“Cannon, 2008”) It was not only a sad day for him, but a sad day for all.
Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan both came to an agreement later on and signed a treaty called, Intermediate Nuclear Force Treaty in December 1987, at the Washington Summit. This treaty will “ eliminate an entire class of intermediate-range nuclear missiles.” (“The Reagan Presidency, n.d.”)
"Iran-Contra," involving two initiatives. The first was a sale of a small amount of the United States military equipment. The reverse part of this involvement was the attempt of National Security Council staff members and former military men to retrieve these items to the opposite side, which is against the Nicaraguan government. Reagan had insisted he had no knowing of the trading with the opposite