I am seeking to pursue a career in hospitality. Due to my confident and assertive …show more content…
One skill mentioned when wanting to be successful in the job role is good organisation and time management (Job-Interview-Site.com, 2009), something I have developed over the past year whilst being at university. Throughout the few months, I have spent at university I have had a job at a bar, whilst also attending lectures and completing assignments and phase tests. These are some of the basic skills required however the career I have chosen there are some specific skills required. I have researched some of these and found that one of the main skills needed is the ability to keep calm under pressure and solve problems quickly (National Career Service, 2012). This would definitely make me more attractive to employers since it was found on a website in which people go to when first applying for jobs in any sector. Another skill mentioned was ‘energy and enthusiasm’ (National Career Service, 2012). I myself possess the ability to be energetic and enthusiastic, I ensure this by applying myself positively into any situation. One reason I believe these skills would make me attractive to a possible employer as when applying for a job where you are dealing with customers on a daily basis, it is key that you are constantly energetic and confident within your position as the way a person acts in front of …show more content…
Having taken the lead in one of the group projects at university I feel confident I would be able to build upon this and be able to take on greater responsibilities in the future for any future jobs I picked up. This would then allow me to lead an entire team to ensure they provide the best service they could. There is also mention of taking on the responsibility of ‘growing revenue’ and demonstrating commercial skills and excellence in financial disciplines’ (VALOR, 2016). Since I have been currently taking an accounting module at university it has helped me develop my knowledge and understanding of accounting, I am also continuing it into my second year of study to further my knowledge more to enable myself more suitable for jobs in the future. One of the skills I am most impressed with is the fact I am able to speak 3 languages, including English, fluently and I am also capable of speaking basic French. I do not find languages difficult and find that I pick them up quite easily as I enjoy being able to immerse myself into someone else’s culture. This is something which is not mentioned in the job advertisement as being a requirement but in one of the other job advertisements I had come across is said an optional skill to have was languages, and to at least have a working knowledge of them. (ACCOR HOTELS,