Besides losing someone that they worked with and were likely very close with, it drives home the point that it could happen to anybody in the department. Some are able to handle this stress in a healthy way. Others, not so much. Officers will surely be in shock and disbelief for quite some time afterwards. It will take a while to get used to not seeing their friend at their desk or in their patrol car. Some may try to ignore it as if it never happened. In addition, the very nature of police work does not allow for much time to grieve and come to terms with the situation. Then there is all the work involved in putting together the funeral and procession. All of this adds up to a sudden and unexpected stressor that can really take its toll on the entire
Besides losing someone that they worked with and were likely very close with, it drives home the point that it could happen to anybody in the department. Some are able to handle this stress in a healthy way. Others, not so much. Officers will surely be in shock and disbelief for quite some time afterwards. It will take a while to get used to not seeing their friend at their desk or in their patrol car. Some may try to ignore it as if it never happened. In addition, the very nature of police work does not allow for much time to grieve and come to terms with the situation. Then there is all the work involved in putting together the funeral and procession. All of this adds up to a sudden and unexpected stressor that can really take its toll on the entire