They used the ideas of public safety and the war on crime to their political advantage to gain the white, working class votes in the South. During this period, policies such as the three strikes rule, mandatory sentencing, and truth in sentences, damned those convicted and made the prison population boom even more. Building prisons and police expansion was praised even by those of color who had little understanding of the harm it was doing to their communities. “There is no drug exception written into the text of the constitution”(Alexander, p.61), yet it was, and continues to be, the leading factor in sending individuals to jail. Minor crimes like loitering and vagrancy laws were the issues of back then, while today minor criminal offenses like possession of marijuana tend to lead to arrest and conviction. “In 2005 four out of five drug arrests were for possession of minor drugs, and one out of five were for actual sales…[with] most people in state prison for drug offenses having no history of violence or significant selling activity” (Alexander, p. 60). If the prison system was designed to keep out the most dangerous and worst kind of people behind bars, it shouldn’t be a fact that the majority of those in jail are nonviolent offenders of
They used the ideas of public safety and the war on crime to their political advantage to gain the white, working class votes in the South. During this period, policies such as the three strikes rule, mandatory sentencing, and truth in sentences, damned those convicted and made the prison population boom even more. Building prisons and police expansion was praised even by those of color who had little understanding of the harm it was doing to their communities. “There is no drug exception written into the text of the constitution”(Alexander, p.61), yet it was, and continues to be, the leading factor in sending individuals to jail. Minor crimes like loitering and vagrancy laws were the issues of back then, while today minor criminal offenses like possession of marijuana tend to lead to arrest and conviction. “In 2005 four out of five drug arrests were for possession of minor drugs, and one out of five were for actual sales…[with] most people in state prison for drug offenses having no history of violence or significant selling activity” (Alexander, p. 60). If the prison system was designed to keep out the most dangerous and worst kind of people behind bars, it shouldn’t be a fact that the majority of those in jail are nonviolent offenders of