Many people believe that sugar is not linked with type-two diabetes and that it is actually necessary for our body. It is indeed true, we need some sugar for our body to work properly and it is not directly linked to diabetes. However, the consumption of sugary products is recommended as long as they do not exceed your total weight, obesity, which is caused by fat, sugar and much more; The more a person weighs, the more probabilities that person has to be affected by type-two diabetes. Junk food has a fast growing popularity and costumers, and so is obesity which is caused by a immoderate amount of junk food consumption per day, therefore, the number of Americans affected by type-two diabetes is now more than 21.0 million, and every year 1.4 million new cases appear. Junk food is not harmless, it is actually horribly harmful. It may seem to be cheap at first glance, but the costs of junk food escalate with the chronic diseases caused by it, which in the end, ends up being more expensive than eating healthy foods. There are children that already have type-two diabetes thanks to the neglected parents and their bad eating habits. Many governments from different countries and organizations have already taken action in this big issue, for example some schools have prohibited the sale of unhealthy foods, and the Ministry of Health is trying to implement a new law which taxes unhealthy foods so that people start moving towards healthier foods. Remember that your chances of being diagnosed with type-two diabetes are directly proportional to your body weight, one way to help is to follow this Ancient Chinese proverb: “Eat less at dinner and you will live to ninety-nine.” There might be a lot of movements against fast food (Junk food), but one thing that has not been treated is that most of the people affected by type-two diabetes and obesity are poor people, hunger is no longer very slim children and adults that have not had something to eat in days, now, hunger means that people cannot afford healthy food and are forced to eat junk food or simply have nothing to eat for the day. The poor have just enough money to buy junk food because it is affordable and it fills them longer, even though they wish they could eat healthy, they just cannot, but that is not their fault, and a solution for this problem is not just increasing the price of junk food so people stop buying, it also means decrease the price of healthy food so that everyone can afford it. This will not only feed the poor with healthy food, but it will also reduce the amount of Americans affected by obesity and many chronic diseases caused by eating junk food, therefore, the government will save millions because the hospitals will not be full with people dying from diabetes, or having their limbs cut off because of diabetes. Eating healthy prevents people from being affected by diabetes, moreover, it also prevents many other chronic diseases and keeps them safe from most non-chronic diseases as well, …show more content…
For some reason, food is not thought of as a normal product, when someone sees cheap food, they do not think twice to buy it when they have a tight budget, but will they do the same when they see a car deal? They might, depending on how good is the deal, but most of the time the first thought is “This is too good to be true,” well, junk food is too good to be true. The same way as a car, it might work the first time, but in the long run you will end up going to the Auto repair shops and spending a lot of money for the repairs that it will be more expensive than a new car from the original dealer, in food, you might end up having some sickness caused by rotten food or simply your food is full of chemicals that might be really harmful to your body, resulting in you going to the hospital and paying medical bills way more expensive than two bowls of salad. I cannot do more than inform you, do fast food chains really care about your health? Do you care about your health? In the end, the choice is