Essay On Diverse Credentialing

Improved Essays
Higher Education, Workforce Development, Credentialing, and Jobs:
Diverse Credentialing may be the best way to tie all of them together!
As part of the debate for the future of higher education, change is a buzz-word within the role of institutions for learning and earning credentials. Over the past few years, the discussion about the future of higher education institutions have included so many hot topics from changes in the performance measures, including retention and graduation rates, gainful employment statistics, tuition rates, college debts, etc. to various credentials, that help students access to the jobs they want to enter and achieve their occupational goals over time…Of course, the discussion also included the comments by the LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner when he said that “…we would do much better if we stopped ensuring that everyone had to have a four-year degree to get certain types of jobs and started being open to the fact that there’s a much broader array of talents and skills”. Although all these are important points from different angles of constituents in higher education and open for discussion, we, at Hodges University, believe that the sole of higher education experience is not only about earning a diploma; it is more about a transformative learning experience. That’s being said, as part of the strategic planning, the new mission statement of Hodges University is to provide transformational, learner-driven educational opportunities. It is a very comprehensive mission statement, isn’t it? So, what do we do differently at Hodges today in order to align with the new mission statement? Welcome to the Hodges University, Center for Workforce Development, an overtime or perhaps life-long learning experience with stacking credentials! As part of the mission, partnering with FutureMakers Coalition, and alignment with employers’ competency expectations, Hodges University now offers different level of learning opportunities to prepare learners for their career goals with various and innovative credentials. Yes, a diploma is still the biggest investment in human capital but your investment can start with small steps with earning short-term credentials. Just think about that while you are in the process of earning a diploma, you also receive digital badges, certificates or other credentials that recognize your learning on a more granular approach and incremental basis; therefore, you might have an opportunity to access to a part-time job, internship, or perhaps a full-time job. What if life gets busy and you need to take a break, you can use these credentials in the workplace and come back to where you have left (Bull, 2016). Moreover, these credentials could be from very well defined competencies with digital badges to micro-credentials, and certificates, from internships, perhaps certifications and licenses to transfer friendly degree programs where
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Pittinsky, at, May 23, 2016). Vertical stacking is about progress with one level building on another, enabling the learner to earn a specific degree, whereas horizontal is about earning credentials in related fields that, collectively, prepare each person for a specific type of a job, with no prerequisites or hierarchy. Finally, value-added stacking is to combine the concepts of vertical and horizontal stacking. While studying a four-year degree in business administration, a learner can add a professional sales certificate or supplement a bachelor’s degree with a certification in financial planning and a few professional effectiveness badges (diversity, budgeting, effective communication, conflict resolution, team work, etc.

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