As stated in this post chronic renal failure is a “slow progressive, irreversible loss in kidney function” (Silvestri, 2011). Chronic renal failure causes damages to all the major organs in the body. People affected by this disease usually have to get new kidneys from a donor or go to dialysis to be able to function. Many factors can cause the kidneys to shut down. Diabetes mellitus is considered one of the leading causes of renal failure. Other problems like hypertension, chronic obstruction of the kidney, frequent infections and autoimmune problems can lead to renal failure (Silvester, 2011).
NANDA Nursing Diagnosis
Additional nursing diagnoses, in this case, would be:
Activity intolerance related to fluid retention …show more content…
Hyperkalemia can cause irregular heartbeats and lead to fibrillation, heart blocks or asystole (Sylvester, 2011). Patient with chronic kidney failure also needs to be monitored for weight gained which is a sign of fluid retention. The patient needs to be everyday weight day at the same time. Intake and output and blood pressure need to be monitored. The nurse should provide comfort and skin care for miss sage. Lastly, Miss Sage needs to be provided with teaching materials about how to change her diet and avoid high protein, potassium, phosphorus foods and to increase carbohydrate (Sylvester, 2011).
Chronic renal failure is a devastating condition and patient with this disease are emotionally worn out by all the effort it requires to help them survive. Those patients need special care, understanding and a lot of patients (Gerogianni, S. K., & Babatsikou, F. P. 2014). At first they will be in denial and will not be compliant with the treatments and diet changes. Teaching them about the disease is critical to help decrease further damages and prolong their lives (Mok Wen, Q., Hui Ang, J. Y., & Christensen, M.